In response to ongoing movements for social justice reform in the United States, Netflix has added a Black Lives Matter category to highlight black artists and stories.
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The category includes titles that have been circulated widely in recent weeks, including Ava Duvernay's 13thand When They See Us, Spike Lee's Malcolm X, Justin Simien's Dear White People, and many more.
Mere days before this, 2011's controversial The Helprose on the Netflix charts, which may have prompted action from the company's end (The Helpis absent from the BLM category, though the category does include David France's The Life and Death of Marsha P. Johnson, which has been criticized for capitalizing on the work of a black trans woman, Reina Gossett).
As Netflix notes in the tweet, this is a curated list of black storytelling, which means that while some titles are nonfiction or focused on racial justice, others are narrative fiction or pure entertainment.
TopicsBlack Lives MatterNetflix
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