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2025-03-04 18:21:33 [知識] 来源:有聲有色網

The Hobbit is an 8-hour-long CGI-fueled film trilogy about a group of dwarves, a division two wizard and a teeny burglar.

It's a lot to take in and the source material isn't exactly as cool as The Lord of the Rings, so you're excused for never watching a second of it. Never fear, it happens to be the subject of our latest episode of "Too Long; Didn't Watch."

SEE ALSO:An animated breakdown of every 'X-Files' episode ever

In just under 3 minutes, we tell you pretty much all you need to know about the trilogy, without any of the random scenes where dwarves ride in barrels or toss around plates while singing.

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Via Giphy

Feel free to use this video as the Hobbit portion of your Middle Earth marathon to save yourself a full day.

Via Giphy

Keep it creepy, Smaug.

BONUS: An animated breakdown of 'Mad Max' in just 3 minutes


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