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【】During the chat, Trump said:

2025-02-25 01:10:19 [休閑] 来源:有聲有色網

Because nothing surprises us anymore, it's with a shrug and an "of course" that we learned President Donald Trump thinks the big Oscars Best Picture flub happened last night because of him.。

SEE ALSO:How 'Moonlight' made Oscars history。

In what's apparently a long, in-depth interview with far-right online website Breitbart done on Monday—a topic which is its 。 In what's apparently a long, in-depth interview with far-right online website Breitbart done on Monday—a topic which is its 。own 。

story, to be sure—Trump touched on the mistake, implying that all those jokes about him must have been so distracting that the envelopes got mixed up. 。

During the chat, Trump said:。Mashable Top StoriesStay connected with the hottest stories of the day and the latest entertainment news.Sign up for Mashable's Top Stories newsletter 。By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。

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And the mix-up certainly gave life to "#FakeNews" jokes, right up Trump's alley! It's unlikely, though, that Trump was the cause of distraction for whichever accountant handed Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway the wrong envelope. 。

Unless it turns out the whoever was too busy tweeting to notice the mistake was maybe tweeting at Trump. It wouldn't have been the first time during the ceremony that tweeting at Trump provided a distraction. 。

Featured Video For You 。Featured Video For You 。Even police are making jokes about that monster f*ck up at the Oscars。TopicsOscarsDonald Trump。


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