Ticketmaster is reaching into its pockets after a disastrous Kanye West concert at the Gold 1 Center in Sacramento on Saturday.。
Fans are furious after West reportedly showed up 90 minutes late to the concert, then ended the show early after a lengthy Kanye West-style rant which involved him saying Beyoncé "hurt" him and asking Jay Z to return his phone call.。
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There has been no official announcement from Ticketmaster, but fans are reporting they are receiving refunds after calling Ticketmaster's customer service line. Representatives for Ticketmaster were not immediately available for comment. 。
Thanks for signing up! 。
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West is slated to perform at the The Forum in Inglewood on Sunday night. 。
According to fans at the Sacramento show, West only performed three songs before stopping to talk to the crowd. After the rant, West declared the show over, dropped his mic and walked off stage.。
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Two astronauts just installed a new parking spot on the International Space Station
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