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2025-03-07 10:46:43 [娛樂] 来源:有聲有色網

If only Nissan had released the ProPilot self-driving chair in time for the release of the new iPhone — waiting in line for the device would've been easy and maybeeven fun.

The prototype chair can move itself and stop before it collides with an obstacle. It was developed by the Japanese automaker and promoted via a YouTube video earlier this week. Though the chairs are only in the prototype stage, they already show a lot of promise for organizing queues and even helping those with limited mobility.

SEE ALSO:Nissan will launch more than 10 self-driving vehicles by 2020We're either getting lazier or smarter.

Modeled after the Nissan ProPilot autonomous car program, the chairs use technology originally designed for single-lane highway driving. They detect other chairs and follow a line in single-file.

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The chairs are also programmed with "self-parking" technology. Picture this: all the chairs push themselves into a table after a large business meeting.

We're either getting lazier or smarter. Either way, the ProPilot is the hover-chair of the future we've been waiting for.


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