This is one photoshoot where the behind-the-scenes shots are as dramatic as the final pictures.。
In July, Nike commissioned a photoshoot to show off its VaporMax shoes, and got San Francisco-based photographer Benjamin Von Wong to come up with a dramatic series.。
So to capture the idea of the air-filled shoes, Wong decided he'd dangle his models off the side of a 30-storey skyscraper in downtown Manila and literally get them to "fly" for the shoot.。
Wong and his lighting assistant also spent hours suspended off the roof by harnesses, to capture the action-packed scenes.。
Credit: von wong。
The photographer detailed the set up in a blog post, saying that the models wore form fitted harnesses clipped by the side, so they could run along the side of the building.。
One of the models also "rode" a bamboo bicycle in the shoot, which had to be held and coordinated to look convincing.。
Credit: von wong 。He edited out the wires in post production, but even seeing them in the behind-the-scenes shots doesn't take away from the sheer depth of the fall.。
Here's one of the final shots that made it to the ad:。
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