Floating off the Antarctic coast, there's a profoundly angular iceberg that has unwittingly become the object of internet intrigue. 。
Though scientists in Antarctica regularly spot these steep-walled "tabular" icebergs -- many nearly square or rectangular -- they certainly look like bizarre, unnatural forms in such a wild Earth environment.。
Seen from space, this particular iceberg has a rich diversity of sharp-edged friends -- and although it initially seemed perfectly rectangular, it's not.。
The black arrow points to the iceberg in question.。
The tabular iceberg.Credit: Nasa。
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Thanks for signing up!。"It is definitely not that exceptional for tabular icebergs (as the one in the NASA image) to have very sharp corners," added Lhermitte. "If you look at the recent icebergs that calved of iceberg A-68 (near Larsen C), you will see that many of them have pretty ‘rectangularish’ shapes." 。
SEE ALSO:This scientist keeps winning money from people who bet against climate change。
As NASA's Operation IceBridge missions (which survey Antarctica from 1,500 above) recently observed, this iceberg was surrounded by other tabular slabs, freshly calved into the frigid sea.。
Tabular icebergs.Credit: nasa 。
It's perfectly normal for such icebergs to calve into the sea. Things, however, are changing in Antarctica at an accelerating pace.。
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