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2025-02-24 22:20:49 [知識] 来源:有聲有色網

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to make peace with the FARC rebels. 。

" 。The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2016 to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos for his resolute efforts to bring the country's more than 50-year-long civil war to an end, a war that has cost the lives of at least 220 000 Colombians and displaced close to six million people," the Committee said.。

SEE ALSO:Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to biologist who unraveled cell recycling system 。

"The award should also be seen as a tribute to the Colombian people who, despite great hardships and abuses, have not given up hope of a just peace, and to all the parties who have contributed to the peace process. This tribute is paid, not least, to the representatives of the countless victims of the civil war." 。

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Mashable GamesMashable ImageThe decision surprised many as the Colombian people narrowly rejected the peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia in a national referendum Sunday. Many voters believed it was too lenient on the FARC guerrillas. 。

Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos, front left, and the top commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) Rodrigo Londono, known by the alias Timochenko, shake hands after signing the peace agreement between Colombia’s government and the FARC.Credit: AP。

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Tweet may have been deleted 。The Associated Press contributed reporting. 。


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