The passing of musical great and legend of lyricism, Leonard Cohen, on Monday Nov. 7. sent ripples of mourning throughout the world. But none felt it more than Cohen's own family.
Laid to rest on Thursday Nov 10., the late icon's son, Adam Cohen, penned a public post on both Instagram and Facebook recounting the intimate funeral held for the artist, was simple and small as he had requested.
SEE ALSO:Following Leonard Cohen on Facebook made it feel like he was your family"My sister and I just buried my father in Montreal," he said. "With only immediate family and a few lifelong friends present, he was lowered into the ground in an unadorned pine box, next to his mother and father. Exactly as he'd asked."
He also reflected on his father's legacy, saying he would miss his "unique blend of self-deprecation and dignity, his approachable elegance, his charisma without audacity, his old-world gentlemanliness and the hand-forged tower of his work."
"There’s so much I wish I could thank him for, just one last time." he mused. "I'd thank him for the comfort he always provided, for the wisdom he dispensed, for the marathon conversations, for his dazzling wit and humour."
Cohen, who has followed in the music-making footsteps of his late great father, rounded out his online tribute with a nod to his father's talents, that made him much loved all around the world. "I'd thank him for music," he said.
"First for his music which seduced me as a boy, then for his encouragement of my own music, and finally for the privilege of being able to make music with him."
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