At long last, New Zealand couples can wed in the name of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
The first official Pastafarian wedding was held Saturday in Akaroa, New Zealand. The bride and groom: Marianna Fenn and Toby Ricketts, who decided only three weeks ago to tie the "noodle knot."
"I would never have agreed to a conventional marriage, but the idea of this was too good to pass up," Fenn told ABC News.
SEE ALSO:Australian Pastafarian gets licence photo with spaghetti strainer on his headIn a Pastafarian wedding ceremony, the couple slurps opposite of a spaghetti noodle (Lady and the Tramp-style) until their lips meet for the first kiss. The wedding rings are also made from pasta, presumably spaghetti as well.
Pastafarian tradition also mandates the wedding be held on a pirate boat and officiated by a pirate. Of course, Fenn, Ricketts and all attendees were also dressed as pirates.
Fenn also wore the customary colander headpiece.
Wedding celebrant Karen Martyn, also called a "ministeroni," said that more weddings are in the works — especially for same-sex couples whose home countries won't let them legally marry.
"We will marry any consenting adults who meet the legal requirement," she told the BBC.
And, you know, if they do that pirate thing.
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