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2025-03-04 18:38:44 [娛樂] 来源:有聲有色網

A recording of Today Showanchor Billy Bush having a lewd conversation with Donald Trump leaked on Friday afternoon.

Bush, who was on an Access Hollywoodbus with Trump, could be heard talking about a woman that appears to be actress Arianne Zucker. The recording was published by the Washington Post.

"Sheesh, your girl's hot as shit. In the purple. Whoa, the Donald is good! Whoa, my man!" he is heard saying.

Later, Bush apparently says in the 2005 tape: "Oof, get out of the way, honey. Oh, that's good legs. Go ahead."

Trump and Bush are then greeted when they get off the bus by Zucker, who escorts them onto the set of Days of Our Lives.Trump had a promotional cameo on the show that day. There were seven others on the bus besides Trump and Bush, including the camera crew, a bus driver and Trump's staff, according to Access Hollywood.

In addition to talking about Zucker's looks with Bush, Trump uses obscene language to describe his interactions with another Access Hollywoodhost at the time, Nancy O'Dell, who was identified by the entertainment news show Friday after the Post published the video.

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"I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there, and she was married. And all of a sudden I see her she's now got the big phony tits and everything," Trump said of O'Dell.

Former social media head for the Today Show Anthony Quintano noted that Bush's vulgar language caught on tape could have an impact on NBC's morning show.

People angered by Bush's comments posted on his Facebook page.

Mashable ImageCredit: Facebook screenshot

A request for comment sent to NBC News was not immediately returned.

In addition to being a media personality, Bush is also the nephew of George H. W. Bush and the cousin of George W. Bush.

The recording from the Poststory can be found below.

Editors note: This post originally claimed that Billy Bush's Twitter account was deleted after a recording of him talking with Donald Trump leaked on Oct. 7. He deleted his Twitter account in August.

TopicsDonald TrumpElections


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