北京時間6月30日淩晨3時,进球歐洲杯1/8決賽最後一場對決 ,回放瑞典隊VS烏克蘭隊。贝里
第43分鍾 ,远射福斯貝裏在禁區前偏左側的折射暂一腳遠射,皮球打在紮巴爾尼身上,入网瑞典出現彈射 ,进球皮球飛入球門 ,回放瑞典扳平了比分1-1烏克蘭 。贝里
免責聲明 :文中圖片、远射文字引用至網絡 ,折射暂版權歸原作者所有,入网瑞典如有問題請聯係刪除!进球
'Legojacking' hijacks real life with Lego to create amazing art works
Instagram to start offering translations next month
Please clap for this image of Jeb Bush all alone at the Miami airport
Tributes flow after death of former Singapore president S.R. Nathan
BrewArt is an automated brewing system that's like the Nespresso of beer
Adele's '25' is coming to streaming services after all
Report: Facebook is paying more than $50 million to publishers and celebs for live streaming
There's a big piece of fake chicken stuck to this phone case
You can relive the Battle of the Bastards with these 'Game of Thrones' wallpapers
We asked linguists if Donald Trump speaks like that on purpose
'The Bachelorette' dreamboat Wells Adams really, really loves dogs