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2025-03-04 15:32:44 [探索] 来源:有聲有色網

Call me a killjoy, but there are some things in life that are just generally not good ideas. Like, painting your whole face fluorescent, glittery pink.。

SEE ALSO:'Hair nails' are the latest trend we hope won't grow on you。

Twitter user Leah, aka LeleTill, posted four images which told a rather unfortunate story. A play in four acts, if you will. 。

The first image shows Leah's entire face inexplicably covered with sparkly bright pink paint. 。

Judging by the bottle of paint pictured, the packaging said it "washes easily off skin and off most fabrics."。

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Upon closer examination, the label of the paint reads "washable glitter poster paint" which suggests it might not actually be designed to be used as face paint. Oops. 。

"See you in court Palmer Paint Products," wrote Leah.  。

"See you in court Palmer Paint Products," wrote Leah.。
Hmm, not sure you have much of a leg to stand on, but good luck!。

Featured Video For You。

Turn any surface into a touchpad with this spray on conductive paint。TopicsBeauty 。


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