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2025-03-04 15:55:39 [綜合] 来源:有聲有色網

Life is hard. Luckily, humans are pretty smart and invent some great ways to deal with the complexities of life.

When we decided hanging clothes didn't dry them fast enough, we invented the dryer. When we didn't want to push our vacuums around the house anymore, we invented the Roomba. When the telephone became to scary to talk into, we invented online pizza ordering.

SEE ALSO:13 crazy pricy gadgets you wish you could afford

We continue to make technological advancements to chip away at the difficulty of everyday life. No problem or task is too small to make easier with automation, Wi-Fi connectivity or consolidation.

Here are seven relatively new technologies that will help you improve your everyday life.

Mashable ImageCredit: Mashable composite, NESPRESSO, CHRISTINA ASCANI/MASHABLE

1. Wireless phone charging

Charging cables are annoying. They're restrictive, prone to breaking and all-around bad news. Wireless charging technology is just starting to gain ground, and you can use it on a lot of your gadgets.

Mashable ImageCables, cords and wires, oh my!Credit: Getty Images

The Juice Pack Wireless by Mophie is a case for your iPhone that makes it compatible with standard wireless charging bases. If you put your wireless charging base on your coffee table or next to your bed, you can easily pick up your phone, answer a text, and place it back without finagling with the cord.

You can even pair it with a magnetic docking station for easy use and access at home or in the car.

Mashable ImageThe Mophie Juice Pack Wireless and magnetic docking station.Credit: Mophie

Some other new smartphones come ready to charge wirelessly, like the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, so all you need to do if you have one of those is pick up a compatible wireless charging base.

2. Winbot window-cleaning robot

The Roomba is old news. Robotic floor cleaners are nothing special anymore, and pretty much everyone knows about them.

But you may not have heard about Winbot, the robotic window cleaner by Ecovacs.

Just slap Winbot on your window, hit the play button and watch it clean. It takes all the difficulty and annoyance out of cleaning windows, and if you have some particularly tall glass, you won't have to bust out the ladder to make them crystal-clear anymore.

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SEE ALSO:New Boston Dynamics robot is adorable or terrifying or both

3. ResetPlug automatic Wi-Fi resetter

Wi-Fi routers are fickle beasts, still prone to malfunctioning and requiring a reset, which can be a pretty annoying ordeal when you aren't sitting right next to it. If this problem is vexing your life, you should check out the ResetPlug.


The ResetPlug has one job, and that is to reset your router when it starts losing its connection. You plug your router through it and it monitors the Wi-Fi signal and will automatically turn the router off and back on if the connection has been inactive for a certain amount of time. No more unplugging and replugging yourself.

4. Amazon Echo

As smart-home technology becomes more ubiquitous, controlling it all can become a little unwieldy. 

Amazon Echo is not only a smart assistant capable of telling you the weather and playing music from your Prime playlists, it can also connect with other Bluetooth enabled devices and services.


You control it with your voice, so as long as it's relatively nearby, you can tell it to play certain movies through Amazon Fire or even non-Amazon services.

5. Nespresso Prodigio smart coffee brewer

Never worry about lining up your coffee brewer with your wakeup time ever again when you can turn it on from bed via your smartphone.

The Nespresso Prodigio is a smart coffee brewer that you can control with an app via Bluetooth.

Mashable ImageCredit: nespresso

You can select your style of coffee and the specific time it brews at any point, and it will even notify you when you need to refill its water tank. For fancier coffee drinks, you can add a milk-frother attachment for lattes, macchiatos and more.

6. Mental well-being tracker

There are countless fitness trackers on the market that will log your runs, bike rides, individual steps and more. But what about a wearable that tracks your stress and emotions?

There are a couple emotion trackers hitting the markets like Feel and Zenta, which track certain aspects of your life and let you know when you're stressed out or feeling bad.

With these wearables, you can see how certain parts of your life affect your emotions and pinpoint certain things to avoid or change to stay happy and stress-free.

SEE ALSO:Apple is getting a do-over with the Apple Watch

There are new gadgets and apps constantly being invented to help us improve our daily lives, and with the way things seem to be going, we could be reaching the singularity pretty soon. And it will definitely be pretty relaxing.

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