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2025-01-21 20:32:11 [綜合] 来源:有聲有色網

Another quarantine week down! Only anindeterminate, indefinite, perhaps infinite amountleft to go.

I'm here to deliver some good tweets from this week to you. We've been collectingthebestpostsoftheweekfora whilenowbecause we're all stuck inside and sometimes it's good to laugh at tweets. Sure, Twitter is often (frequently) bad, but sometimes it's good. So, you know, here they are... 17 good tweets.

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1. Love to live in 2020

2. Speed does NOT care

3. I miss this guy. A simpler internet.

4. Obligatory dril tweet

5. I feel this deep in my bones.

6. Plant the beans. Just do it and be legends.

7. It is.

8. I think this is exactly how I looked in the theater.

9. Who could possibly devote three to five minutes to a new song?

10. Someday...

11. Just an octopus going off. Nothing else.

12. This sounds delightful.

13. D.A.N.N.Y. M.A.R.I.N.A.R.A.

14. This is me. I am this meme.

15. Just boys talking about stuff, being dudes, living like guys.

16. He missed it.

17. And finally,

Related Video: A puppet's guide to keeping yourself entertained during a quarantine



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