If you've gotten logged out of Twitter today against your will, you aren't the only one.
At around 3 p.m. ET on Monday (according to Down Detector), legions of Twitter users started reporting that the site had forced them out of their accounts, with some users reporting that they weren't able to get back in right away. A cursory search for "logged out" revealed dozens of accounts, both big and small, reporting this issue. At the time of writing, the issue appears to be isolated to the web Twitter client, not smartphone apps.
SEE ALSO:WordPress drops Twitter social sharing due to API price hikeTweet may have been deleted
Tweet may have been deleted
Tweet may have been deleted
In fact, it happened to me while I was in the process of finding those tweets and writing this article. Fun!
Of course, this isn't the only problem Twitter has run into since Musk took over late last year, or heck, even since April. In the last few weeks we've seen a bug that restored formerly verified users' lost checkmarks, a mistakenly verified fake Disney account, and an intentional decision to put verified replies at the top of every reply thread.
OK, that last one technically isn't a glitch, but it hasmade the site much worse to read.
At any rate, if you get logged out of desktop Twitter, know that you aren't alone.
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