Who remembers Ben Stein as the econ teacher from the '80s classic Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Anyone? Anyone?
The actor's famous monotone and hypnotic repetition will soon be lulling you to sleep in a meditation app.
The app, Calm, launched "Sleep Stories" this week after months of testing the bedtime stories for adults. Co-founder and CEO Alex Tew told Mashablehe hasn't gone past 10 minutes on any of the stories without nodding off. Some John Muir nature essays and other original relaxing and soothing stories are already available in the app. "Having a soothing voice talk to you in a rhythmic, melodic fashion is very comforting," he said.
On Friday, the app will release the ultimate sleep-inducing story: a reading of the first chapter of Adam Smith's 1776 economics book The Wealth of Nationsin a droning voice by everyone's favorite economics teacher, Stein.
SEE ALSO:Our lack of sleep is costing the world billions of dollarsBefore the bedtime stories launched, the app focused on teaching meditation and relaxation techniques, but users also used it to deal with sleep problems, Tew said.
A lot of people may listen to podcasts or turn on the TV to help them fall asleep, but Tew said "often the content is too stimulating and keeps you awake."
Instead, listen to something not-so-interesting -- boring, even. You'll be asleep before you know it.
Bueller? Bueller?
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