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2025-03-04 15:22:04 [百科] 来源:有聲有色網

Something terrible is happening to jeans. First we had Topshop's clear plastic jeans. Then Nordstrom decided to sell fake mud jeans for $425.

SEE ALSO:Dear Topshop, stop trying to make clear plastic jeans happen. Love, the internet.

And, now Opening Ceremony is trying to make "detachable cut-out front jeans" happen. Can you not. We really, really mean it.

These detachable jeans -- designed by Y/Project -- can be worn two ways. You can wear them as full-length trousers, with your under-butt and groin exposed. Nice.

"These 2-in-1 Y/Project trousers come in a straight-leg silhouette with slim-fitting, detachable shorts that feature high-rise cutouts along the front," reads Opening Ceremony's product description.

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Mashable ImageCredit: opening ceremony

Maybe that extra spot of ventilation will come in handy during those hot, humid summer months.

Mashable ImageCredit: opening ceremony

If you're feeling extra bold, you can detach the legs of the jeans and wear them as denim shorts.

Mashable ImageCredit: opening ceremony

Oh, and these absolutely monstrous jeans will set you back a whopping $425.

Whatever will they think of next?

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These vibrating smart jeans double as a GPS system


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