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【】Keeping Up with the Kardashians

2025-03-13 11:43:21 [百科] 来源:有聲有色網

Ryan Seacrest is denying allegations of sexual harassment from a stylist who worked with the host during his time at E! News.。

Mashable 。has confirmed that E! has opened an investigation into Seacrest, following claims from an unnamed former E! News wardrobe stylist alleging that Seacrest "behaved inappropriately" toward her a decade ago. 。

While the stylist has not yet come forward publicly, meaning that details regarding the complaint are still unknown, Seacrest released a statement preemptively addressing the accusations.。

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Recently, someone that worked as a wardrobe stylist for me nearly a decade ago at E! News, came forward with a complaint suggesting I behaved inappropriately toward her. If I made her feel anything but respected, I am truly sorry. I dispute these reckless allegations and I plan to cooperate with any corporate inquiries that may result. I treat all my colleagues with kindness, dignity, and understanding, as this is a principle that’s core to who I am. Throughout my 25 years in the entertainment industry, the majority of my co-workers have been women, and I’ve endeavored to foster a positive work environment of mutual respect and courtesy, as that’s how I believe it should be. I'm distraught that anyone or any situation would call that into question. I’m proud of my workplace reputation, and believe my track record will speak for itself. I’m an advocate for women. I will continue to support their voices.。 According to。According to。 The Hollywood Reporter。, "The alleged victim is said to have, through her representation, made a substantial financial ask in exchange for her silence, which, a source tells 。

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The Hollywood Reporter, Seacrest declined via his lawyers."。The Hollywood Reporter,  Seacrest declined via his lawyers."。The news comes two days after Mark Schwahn, showrunner of E! scripted drama 。 The Royals。, was suspended by Lionsgate following allegations of sexual harassment from 25 female cast and crew members.。The Royals。 allegations surfaced after 18 women who worked on Schwahn's previous project, The CW's。

One Tree Hill。 , alleged that they were "spoken to in ways that ran the spectrum from deeply upsetting, to traumatizing, to downright illegal," 。 by Schwahn during the show's run, and that many "were put in uncomfortable positions and had to swiftly learn to fight back, sometimes physically, because it was made clear to us that the supervisors in the room were not the protectors they were supposed to be."。Seacrest currently produces numerous shows for E! Seacrest currently produces numerous shows for E! including。Keeping Up with the Kardashians 。and its spinoffs, along with Jennifer Lopez's scripted drama 。Shades of Blue 。 for sister network NBC. He also hosts 。Live with Kelly and Ryan 。

Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest 。
for ABC, and will host the network's revival of 。American Idol 。next year. 。Featured Video For You。Jennifer Lawrence, Reese Witherspoon speak out about sexual harassment in Hollywood 。


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