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2025-03-07 10:10:04 [綜合] 来源:有聲有色網

SAVE UP TO 80%: To honor World Book Day, Amazon has marked down the price on hundreds of Kindle ebooks by up to 80% as of April 23. But you'll want to hurry to grab your favorite titles because this deal expires at 11:59 p.m. PT tonight.

an amazon blue kindle logo on a white backgroundOpens in a new windowCredit: AmazonKindle ebookssave up to 80% on Kindle ebooks

Reading is one of life's greatest gifts. A good book can bring us into worlds we would have never otherwise experienced. We gain new friends, learn lessons, take off on adventures, and dive into historical events. If your collection is running low, stock up today in honor of World Book Day while saving some serious money thanks to Amazon's sale.

As of April 23, hundreds of Kindle ebooks are up to 80% off to celebrate World Book Day. Chose your favorites quickly though, because this deal is over at 11:59 PT tonight.

Spring and summer reads are some of the most memorable. Find a great bench at the park and get lost in the latest novel or take your Kindle on that tropical vacation for some perfect poolside reading. Whatever you prefer, you can load up on new Kindle ebooks today at Amazon for a hefty discount.

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If you don't already own a Kindle device, now would be an ideal time to snag one since you'll be saving on loading it up. (Mashable rates the Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition as the very best Kindle model). From there, snag deep discounts from authors we know and love like Liane Moriarty, Ann Patchett, and Alice Walker.

If you're keeping up with the Bridgerton saga, score the eighth book, "On the Way to the Wedding: Bridgerton: Gregory's Story" for just $1.99. Or if memoirs are your favorite, score "Pageboy" by Elliot Page for just $2.99.

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The deal also includes books for kids, health and wellness reads, and cookbooks. With hundreds of Kindle ebooks included in this deal, you're sure to find a great stack of books to read throughout the spring and summer. While you're on this reading adventure, be sure to sign up to earn free credits through Kindle Rewards.

You have until 11:59 PT tonight to score up to 80% off hundreds of Kindle ebooks at Amazon, so hop to it and start turning pages.



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