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2025-02-25 01:02:45 [百科] 来源:有聲有色網

What: Strange World

Where to watch: Disney+, in theaters

Premiere Date: Dec. 23

Academy Award-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal doubles as father and explorer in Walt Disney Animation Studio’s Strange World. Gabrielle Union, Jaboukie Young-White, and Dennis Quaid co-star, lending their voices to the lovable Clade crew, a brave family of trailblazers, who set out on a fantastic voyage through bizarre new terrain.

If you think you’re up for the challenge to join the Clades, here’s everything you need to know to stream Strange World.

Where can you watch Strange World?

Strange Worldpremiered in theaters on Nov. 23. It will be available on streaming in a global release through Disney+ on Dec. 23. 

Mashable Games

What is Strange World about?

The Clade family awakens the spirit of adventure in the Disney animated feature film, Strange World

When the intimidating opportunity to travel into a foreign land arises for farmer Searcher Clade, son of the great and renowned explorer Jaeger Clade, he begrudgingly accepts the daunting task. And his partner, child, and dog have his back — whether he likes it or not!

In this new landscape, it’s hard to differentiate between the dangerous, flesh-eating creatures and blobs who unabashedly need some extra affection. But for a family as dynamic and functional as the Clades, navigating this wild terrain is a guaranteed good time and promises an epic extravaganza in saving the world.

What are people saying about Strange World?

Belen Edwards, Mashable Entertainment reporter, writes that in "Strange World, father-son tension plays out against a background of fantastical flora and fauna that may or may not want to make a snack out of our protagonists." Edwards also argues that the film finds its sweet spot "with such a fun sci-fi setting and sweet familial storyline, Strange World is a world you'll be happy getting lost in."

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Mashable’s Film Editor, Kristy Puchko, notes the “multigenerational adventure” makes strides in showcasing diversity in that it “acknowledges that gay kids can just exist in media and not have their identity treated like grounds for a teachable moment.” 

To stream Strange World, subscribe to Disney+ for $7.99/month by clicking the button below. 

Disney+ LogoOpens in a new windowCredit: Disney+'Strange World'



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