Good news, mermaids and mermen: Your emoji are officially coming this year.。
Unicode, the organization that standardizes characters across devices, released its final list of 2017 emoji on Monday. There are 56 new emoji—69 if you count gender variations—and they're really all over the place. You'll be able to use new gender-neutral people, broccoli, mermaids, a Tyrannosaurus rex and a cricket with incredibly strong, beautiful legs:。
A cricket!Credit: Emojipedia。
"Today is the first time we know that these are confirmed as the emojis for 2017," Jeremy Burge, the founder of Emojipedia and a member of Unicode's Emoji Subcommittee, said via direct message on Twitter. "No more🤞🤞🤞 that an emoji makes the cut. If it's in this list, it's final." 。
"I do not think the cricket's legs are sexy, for what it's worth," he added. 。
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Credit: Emojipedia 。
Those sauna emoji were actually proposed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland ("Sauna is practically a holy place in Finland where there exists around 3.2 million saunas for 5.4 million people," it wrote), and they were much more suggestive in their original iteration:。
Credit: Unicode。
Some of the new emoji are sort of curious—there's a whole suite of fantasy-themed characters, for instance: 。
Credit: Emojipedia 。
Credit: Emojipedia。
The full list is published on Emojipedia's website, though the group also made a video showing off all the new emoji. It's embedded above, if you're curious. 。
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