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2025-03-04 20:57:35 [休閑] 来源:有聲有色網

Donald Trump is taking one final jab at Hillary Clinton before tonight's debate, via Snapchat.

On Monday, the Republican candidate's campaign launched a nationwide custom Snapchat filter that refers to his opponent as "Crooked Hillary."

SEE ALSO:Insult after insult: All of Trump's ugly campaign rhetoric in one place

The "Debate Day" filter, a possible appeal towards millennial supporters, allows Snapchat users to adorn their photographs and videos with the words "Donald Trump vs Crooked Hillary." The filter also features patriotic fireworks alongside Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again."

Mashable ImageCredit: Snapchat

Custom Snapchat Geofilters can be created for specific events or locations, but are usually temporary. Though it is unclear how much the Trump campaign paid to ensure the filter reached users nationwide, Vincent Harris, Rand Paul's former chief digital strategist, shared his thoughts on Twitter, saying it must have cost a "pretty penny."

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So far, tonight's other debate filters include another filter sponsored by Trump's campaign, featuring him parachuting out of "Trump Force One" and one of Clinton and Trump standing side by side at podiums.

Credit: snapchatCredit: snapchat

Though Trump's "Crooked Hillary" filter is the first political Snapchat filter to launch nationwide, other politicians have made use of location-based filters during debates and rallies, and Hillary Clinton has even used a filter to troll Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention.

It's not the first time a political hate ad has made its way onto the app, either. Back in January, Ted Cruz created his very own "Ducking Donald" Snapchat filter to target his then opponent.

We'll see if the Clinton campaign makes use of the social app for tonight's debate.

TopicsSnapchatDonald TrumpElectionsHillary ClintonPolitics


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