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2025-03-04 21:02:07 [時尚] 来源:有聲有色網

The dude who crashed the Eurovision stage -- who everyone thought was Australian because he was wearing the country's flag as a cape, but isn't -- appears to be in a lot of trouble. 。

Ukrainian prankster VitaliiSediuk mooned the crowd and millions of television viewers on stage during the performance of reigning winner Jamala at the final in Kiev on Saturday night. 。

SEE ALSO:Some dude wearing an Australian flag jumped onstage at Eurovision and mooned everyone。

SEE ALSO:Some dude wearing an Australian flag jumped onstage at Eurovision and mooned everyone。

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Sediuk was removed from the stage, and no references were made to the incident by the show's presenters. Australian fans were reportedly furious following the incident, with concerns that the country would not be invited to compete in Eurovision again.。

He is now potentially facing up to five years in jail or a fine for aggravated battery, according to Ukraine's Minister of Internal Affairs, Arsen Avakov. 。

"This is a disgrace to the country," Avakov wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday. 。

Tweet may have been deleted 。But it's not Sediuk's first time crashing a major event. He's well-noted for his antics on red carpets and around celebrities all the world over.。Mashable Top StoriesStay connected with the hottest stories of the day and the latest entertainment news.Sign up for Mashable's Top Stories newsletter。

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By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。 Thanks for signing up! 。In 2013, Sediuk tried to accept Adele's Grammy before she could make it on stage.。

Sediuk had no credentials to attend the awards, but snuck in with friends who had tickets. He told 。

The Hollywood Reporter  。

his idea to go on stage came at the last minute.。 "So when I heard her name, I came up with this idea to go up on the stage and say what I said. … I pretended this was an award for me, and then I said, 'Thank you, Adele. You're my inspiration'," he told the publication. 。In 2014, Sediuk attacked Brad Pitt on a red carpet in Los Angeles.。

In 2014, Sediuk attacked Brad Pitt on a red carpet in Los Angeles.。

Pitt told 。

People。 in a statement that Sediuk "stage-dived" over the barrier towards him. 。"I took a step back; this guy had latched onto my lapels. I looked down and the nutter was trying to bury his face in my crotch, so I cracked him twice in the back of the head – not too hard – but enough to get his attention, because he did let go. I think he was then just grabbing for a hand hold because the guys were on him, and he reached up and caught my glasses."  。

Then in 2016, Sediuk grabbed and picked up Gigi Hadid outside of a Milan fashion show.。

Then in 2016, Sediuk grabbed and picked up Gigi Hadid outside of a Milan fashion show. 。

Sediuk confirmed to。 The Hollywood Reporter。

that it was him behind the prank. He told the publication he did it because he didn't think Hadid belonged to high fashion.。

A week later, Sediuk tried to kiss Kim Kardashian's butt outside of a Parisian restaurant, but was stopped short by a security guard. 。
Sediuk said he was protesting the use of "fake butt implants." 。
"I encourage her and the rest of Kardashian clan to popularise natural beauty among teenage girls who follow and defend them blindly," he wrote in an Instagram post via the 。BBC.。BBC.。Let's just say his history says it all. 。Featured Video For You 。This 82-year-old DJ makes dumplings by day and rocks Tokyo's club scene by night。


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