This video is giving us some serious "Do it for the Vine" flashbacks. 。
Twitter user TommyFrmBroward uploaded a video of his friend doing an extremely risky stunt for a video and... let's just say it almost ended very, very badly.。
The reckless dude climbed onto the back of a car parked on an obvious slope to show off his video-worthy backflip next to an active road. We're no physicists, but the flip's momentum in combination with the slope were clearly too much for the guy, who narrowly avoided falling directly into oncoming traffic. 。
SEE ALSO:Little girl photobombed by huge venomous snake。
Watch him unwittingly test his luck right next to fast-moving cars here: 。
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Way. Too. Close. People were understandably shook. 。
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Never be stuck in traffic again with this badass ride 。
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