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2025-03-04 15:49:00 [百科] 来源:有聲有色網

In light of President Donald Trump's disgusting and racist comments, people from around the world are sharing their life accomplishments on Twitter.

A report from the Washington Postreveals that in a meeting with lawmakers on Thursday, Trump asked why the United States was accepting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries. The president reportedly asked the room: "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?"

Trump later suggested the United States should bring in more people from countries like Norway instead.

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Now people from regions Trump labeled "shithole countries" are firing back in the best way possible: listing their life accomplishments to counter Trump's close-minded and racist view.

SEE ALSO:Here's what Merriam-Webster thinks of Trump's racist 'shithole' comment


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