Sometimes fame discovers us when we least expect it. Just like love, if you search too hard for it, it'll never find you.。
One bearded, tattooed man learned this lesson the hard way when he tried to show off a dumbbell trick in a basketball gym (for some reason) and gets completely upstaged by the older man shooting hoops behind him. 。
— Jasmine (JasmineLWatkins) March 26, 2017。The grandpa draining shots in the background is really all I could focus on 。
— Jasmine (JasmineLWatkins) March 26, 2017 。
SEE ALSO:Did you know you shouldn't feed ducks bread? These people didn't. 。
By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。 Thanks for signing up!。But did you check out that grandpa sinking every shot in the background? Every shot. Now,
that's 。
impressive. 。
Poor strong dumbbell guy tried so hard and is not reaping any of the rewards. No one's even paying attention to him because all of their focus is on the NBA G.O.A.T. 。
JasmineLWatkins #upstaged。
JasmineLWatkins #upstaged 。
— Francesca Hogi (DearFranny) March 27, 2017 。
JasmineLWatkins lukeoneil47。
— Dean Scream (TweTro) March 26, 2017。
JasmineLWatkins What do you mean? Is there someone in this picture other than the guy draining baskets?
— Darby Lyons (darbyjlyons) March 26, 2017。
— NolanKoski (Nolan_Pk) March 27, 2017。
JasmineLWatkins plot twist, the old man shooting in the background is actually the point of the video 。
JasmineLWatkins (Bearded Guy talking at end of video) 。
"C'Mon Dad, do you ALWAYS have to show me up on camera?"。
— Bombsaway Bob Grant (BombsawayBob) March 26, 2017。
JasmineLWatkins knzorb No joke! Grandpa has better accuracy on free throws than 80% of NBA 。
— Leucifer (Leucifer) March 27, 2017 。
JasmineLWatkins skylarbergl Yo Paw Paw didn't' miss one shot!!! 。
Hey NBA, I hear this grandpa is a free agent. 。