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2024-11-21 21:15:42 [焦點] 来源:有聲有色網

Sure, Patrick Stewart is adorable and anyone would be lucky enough to call him a friend. But a delighted Patrick Stewart greeting his new furry companion? That's whole new levels of endearing.

The actor teamed up with American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and Wags and Walks to adopt Ginger, a pitbull, and shared the sweetest video of their first interaction.

SEE ALSO:Patrick Stewart hints that Professor X could be appearing in 'Deadpool'

"Oh there she is!," Stewart exclaimed as he peered out his window. "Look who's here. Wow. That's beautiful—hi, love," he said before being smothered by dog kisses. "Thank you for that, that was a very nice greeting."

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If your heart didn't melt watching the video, try watching it again. Stewart later tweeted an update, saying Ginger was "sleeping and snoring on our couch and I can honestly think of no greater compliment."

In other Patrick Stewart/dog news of the day, this pup looks exactly like the actor.

Then this happened, and we lost all control of the English language:

Big day for both dogs and Patrick Stewart.

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