北京時間9月15日淩晨3:00 ,拜仁布里2021-22賽季歐冠小組賽第1輪將迎來一場焦點之戰,欧冠巴塞羅那坐鎮主場迎戰拜仁慕尼黑。名单目前 ,莱万拜仁方麵的格纳大名單已經公布 ,此前風傳有傷在身的皆入击萊萬多夫斯基 、格納布裏和科曼紛紛入選。选强
拜仁客戰巴薩大名單 :
門將:1-諾伊爾、阵出26-烏爾賴希 、拜仁布里36-福呂希特爾
後衛 :2-烏帕梅卡諾、欧冠3-理查茲、名单4-聚勒、莱万5-帕瓦爾、格纳19-戴維斯、皆入击20-薩爾、选强21-盧卡斯-埃爾南德斯、23-誇西、44-斯坦尼西奇
中場:6-基米希 、7-格納布裏、8-格雷茨卡、10-薩內、11-科曼 、17-屈桑斯 、18-薩比策、22-羅卡、25-托馬斯-穆勒、40-蒂爾曼、42-穆西亞拉
This company is hiring someone just to drink all day
India admits defect in newly issued Rs 500 notes, creates more confusion among citizens
'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' tickets are on sale Monday, November 28
Tyler, the Creator helped Frank Ocean celebrate 'Blonde' release in a delicious way
Emily's new maid on 'Gilmore Girls' is a familiar face
Emily's new maid on 'Gilmore Girls' is a familiar face
The 'Gilmore Girls' revival is here, and so are the dramatic responses from fans
U.S. pole vaulter skids to a halt for national anthem
Domino's Japan is training reindeer to deliver holiday pizza. Yes, really.
Balloon fanatic Tim Kaine is also, of course, very good at harmonica
San Francisco's Muni transit system hacked, resulting in free rides for all