Apparently fatherhood will change you. That, and the announcement of a new album. 。
In preparation of his upcoming visual project 。 4:44。, Shawn Carter aka Hov aka Beyoncé's husband aka JAY-Z has officially made a name change. 。
SEE ALSO:Jay Z calls out bail bond industry in Father's Day column 。That's right, the hyphen is back. 。
Thanks for signing up!。It's officially been re-added to his name, following his。Magna Carter Holy Grail 。 days without the dash. 。EW。
Not Jay Z. 。Credit: giphy。
The deck of cards has been reinvented。
One of the most controversial power struggles in media comes to a close
世界杯封神時刻!梅西傳射刷爆紀錄 ,多項數據曆史第一,無愧球王(梅西進球破紀錄)
【波盈足球】 足球已在歐洲足壇贏得所設下的目標 C羅:是時候分享經驗 ( 納斯,美聯社 )
Tourist survives for month in frozen New Zealand wilderness after partner dies
曾與梅西齊名的中國天才球員宣布退役 ,“傷仲永”式悲劇再現中國足壇(梅西退役後會當教練嗎)
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曝中國足協開100萬美元年薪挖角意甲名哨 曾執法世界杯決賽(意大利名哨奧薩托執法尺度)
Carlos Beltran made a very interesting hair choice