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2025-02-25 01:02:14 [熱點] 来源:有聲有色網

Take down the photos of your nieces and nephews and make room on your fridge for much cuter, more important pictures.。

Joelea McDonald, a photographer from Texas, decided to forever elevate the family photography game by conducting a newborn-style photoshoot with her friend Riley's 7-week-old lab, Walnut. 。

SEE ALSO:No one enjoys baths more than this pug puppy  。Mashable ImageSEE ALSO:No one enjoys baths more than this pug puppy。

Credit: joelea mcdonald 。 "[Riley] said he wanted 'puppy photos," the photographer told 。Mashable。

in an email. "I figured he meant a family style type session including the puppy -- but after talking we decided to do a 'newborn' session." 。Mashable Top StoriesStay connected with the hottest stories of the day and the latest entertainment news.Sign up for Mashable's Top Stories newsletter 。By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。
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Mashable GamesMashable ImageCredit: joelea mcdonald 。

"Newborn photography is something I offer so my goal was to replicate my typical newborn session as much as possible," she continued.。

Mashable ImageCredit: joelea mcdonald。

"I mainly photograph babies, families and seniors," the photographer said. "I wanted to give my friend pictures of his new 'baby' that he would cherish forever, like I do for any parent that hires me." 。

Credit: joelea mcdonald。

Credit: joelea mcdonald。
"Riley seemed to really love the photos," McDonald revealed. "I would totally do it again!" 。
Who wouldn't love photos this precious?Featured Video For You 。Doggy tour bus shows adventurous pups the sights of London 。


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