Forget the Vulture – it looks like the real villain of 。 Spider-Man: Homecoming。might be Sony's art department. How else to explain the truly hideous poster released today?
SEE ALSO:So much sick Stark tech in this new 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' trailer 。There's so much wrong with this, it's hard to know where to start. There's the fact that Iron Man's placement is almost as prominent as Spider-Man's. Yes, we know that Spidey's Avengers connection are part of the draw in this movie, and that Sony is probably contractually obligated to highlight Robert Downey Jr. – but surely they could have found a prettier way to work him in, right?
And while we're on the subject of Tony's enormous floating head, why does every single face on this poster look like it was lit from an entirely different source? We're not saying they all have to look like they're in the same room, but it's bizarre to make it look like they all came from。 entirely different posters 。entirely different posters。
.。 For that matter, why are there like four different scenes happening in this one-sheet? You've got the Manhattan skyline across the bottom, which is fine until it abruptly becomes a shot of the Washington monument. Then there's a guy shooting purple sparks above that, and a fiery explosion above。that。
that。. 。True, none of these issues are necessarily unique to the。 Spider-Man: Homecoming 。poster. Here's an。 Ant-Man。poster from a couple of years back that commits some of the same sins, like having a single character in there twice (Ant-Man。
By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 。 Thanks for signing up!。Actually, I lied. Ant-Man is in there THREE TIMES.Credit: marvel Studios。
X-Men: Days of Future Past。 poster that falls victim to the same trend of cramming in as many faces as possible into a limited space. 。Is that jet coming OUT of Wolverine's claws, or ... ?Credit: 20th Century Fox。
Rogue One。 couldn't resist the "giant head smaller heads sized in order of importance" format.。I mean, as far as this trend goes, this one is not too terrible.Credit: disney 。
At least those tried to maintain some stylistic consistency across all the different element, though. The 。
Homecoming 。
poster looks like a rough draft cobbled together by copying and pasting several completely different and unrelated posters.。
Or maybe like the product of a brainstorming session gone terribly awry.。
— kateyrich (kateyrich) May 24, 2017 。 But, fine. To be completely fair, it's not like going pared-down and simplistic guarantees a great movie poster, either. Behold, the single worst superhero movie poster of all time:。Yes, this was a real poster released by professional people on purpose at one point in time.Credit: 20th Century Fox。
Compared to that,
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