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2025-03-04 19:08:34 [焦點] 来源:有聲有色網

Here's one (1) nice thing for your mid-week slump: The National Aviary in Pittsburgh debuted on Tuesday a 5-month-old baby sloth. Her name is Vivien, and she is perfect.

Per a release from the zoo, Vivien is a Linnaeus's two-toed sloth born August 21, and she is the third sloth to reside at the National Aviary.

SEE ALSO:Selfie tourism is killing these incredibly cute creatures

Named after the old Hollywood film actress Vivien Leigh, the baby sloth currently weighs about 2.5 pounds (though she'll one day weigh between 12 and 15 pounds) and subsists on a diet of sweet potatoes and rice. Healthy!

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Mashable ImageVivien enjoys a meal.Credit: JAMIE GREENE/NATIONAL AVIARY

To mark Vivien's debut, the National Aviary published a sweet introductory video in which a young sloth enthusiast meets the zoo's newest addition.

The question remains: Can Vivien compete with household names like Fiona the Hippo? Our hope is yes, provided she works on her personal branding.

[H/T: Jezebel]

This post has been updated to include photos from The National Aviary.

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