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2025-02-25 04:22:30 [休閑] 来源:有聲有色網

What: Don’t Worry Darling 

Where to watch: HBO Max 

Premiere date: November 7, 2022 

The "D" in Darlingstands for drama, and Miss Flo is finally back. That’s right, Olivia Wilde’s fiasco of a film — but incredible addition to our pop culture zeitgeist — is having a renaissance this week and heading to streaming. If you, for some reason, happen to be one of the two people who still haven’t seen the film, here’s everything you need to know about Twitter’s favorite hate-watch. 

How can I watch Don’t Worry Darling

The film starts streaming on HBO Max on Nov. 7. 

We all know the drama, but what exactly is the actual plot of Don’t Worry Darling

Did TikTok pick apart a one-second clip of Harry Styles potentially spitting on Chris Pinemore than the actual film? Yes, yes it did. But is there actually a plot going on in Don’t Worry Darling? Yes, yes there is! 

Jack (Harry Styles) and Alice (Florence Pugh) live in a secluded town called Victory, where the men go off to do some top-secret stuff at work every day, and the women look like they’ve just walked out of a 1950s infomercial. Everything about Victory is perfectly set in place to satisfy something known only as the Victory Project. But what exactly is it? And who’s involved? Well, that’s Alice’s entire journey as she gradually starts uncovering the dark truth behind her perfect town

What will Alice discover, and can Harry Styles actually look kind of ugly? There’s only one way to find out. 

What have people said about the film? 

It’s safe to say that Don’t Worry Darling definitely had its moment. The film was met with mixed — albeit largely negative — reviews, but people still showed up by the hundreds of thousandsto watch the film behind #Holivia (for those confused, that’s Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde’s couple name). Mashable’s own Kristy Puchko had a lot to say about the film’s twist ending

She explains, “Don't Worry Darlingis about men dominating women, employing medical and technical advances to overpower a woman's autonomy and even her memories. In a time where cis women and people who can become pregnant are under attack by oppressive political movementsthat would make lawmakers — not doctors — the deciders of their physical well-being, there's a breathtaking relevance to this film's fractured fantasy. Because as we've seen with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, not only could your partner claim control over your body and your life, but so could some random asshole who you've never even met.” 

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SEE ALSO:10 burning questions we have about 'Don't Worry Darling'

She continues, “Any jackass on the street could be a Victory Project husband lying in wait. And that is the film’s most haunting point.” 

To stream Don’t Worry Darling, subscribe to HBO Max for $9.99/month by clicking that button below. 

HBO Max logoOpens in a new windowCredit: HBO Max'Don't Worry Darling'



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