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2025-03-04 15:37:59 [探索] 来源:有聲有色網

UPDATE: May 12, 2020, 5:47 p.m. PDT And just like that, service is back up! You can all press pause on your Slack panic for now.

Original story:

It's not you, it's Slack.

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Slack confirmed on Twitter that service in parts of the U.S., Japan, and Australia had been interrupted just before 5 p.m. PT on Tuesday and is still investigating the cause.

According to Downdetector, in the U.S., the outage was concentrated on the West Coast, with hot spots in Southern California, the Bay Area, Vancouver, and Seattle. Some East Coast and southern cities, including New York, Boston, Atlanta, and Houston, also appeared to be having problems (but what are you guys even doing on Slack rn?!)

Mashable ImageHello darkness my old friend.Credit: screenshot: rachel kraus / mashable / downdetector

Slack already dominated many workplaces before more and more office workers became remote workers thanks to coronavirus. But with social distancing in place, it has become an indispensable work from home tool for instantaneous communication.

You thought we were socially distant before? HA! You didn't KNOW social distance until Slack went down, you beautiful, lonely fool.


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