If you had to rank British men in order of how flawlessly chiselled they look, David Beckham would almost certainly make the top 10.
SEE ALSO:David Beckham's new tattoo might be his most badass yetHere, just look at him hugging this lady.
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And here, look at how gloriously sculpted his facial hair is. Look at that winning smile.
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On Tuesday, though, Beckham shared an Instagram photo that's a total departure from the usual shots of him smiling dreamily at the camera.
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Yep: that's Beckham in makeup for his upcoming cameo in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.
"Rough day at the office," Beckham wrote in the caption, before tagging the official King Arthur: Legend of the Swordmovie account and director Guy Ritchie's personal account.
After that short film he was in with Kevin Hart last year, we have no doubt Beckham's going to shine.
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