常年在外的鱼仔鱼你,每當夜深人靜的辣酱時候,是蒸立做法不是總想家 ?是不是特別懷念媽媽做的好吃的?媽媽做的家常菜固然簡單,但是鱼仔鱼味道真的很美好 。所以,辣酱為了一解自己的蒸立做法相思之苦,你為何不自己嚐試學著做呢 ?鱼仔鱼下麵 ,小編就來教大家做魚仔辣醬蒸立魚這道菜吧 。辣酱
1.薑蒜 ,青紅辣椒剁成蓉,鱼仔鱼小碗盛起
2.放入兩大勺魚仔辣椒 ,少許鹽 ,蒸立做法攪拌均勻
3.均勻塗抹在魚身上和肚子 ,醃10分鍾
Balloon fanatic Tim Kaine is also, of course, very good at harmonica
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This coloring book is here for all your relationship goals
A winter storm is breaking snowfall records in the Southeast
Olympian celebrates by ordering an intimidating amount of McDonald's
A winter storm is breaking snowfall records in the Southeast