Trump's racist comment about "shithole" countries shocked with its crudity, leaving the press figuring out how to deal with the word.。
The U.S. president used the word to refer to Haiti, El Salvador and other African countries. Trump questioned why its people were were coming to America, and asked lawmakers why the U.S. didn't accept more people from Norway, a majority Nordic (white) country. 。
SEE ALSO:CNN's Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper don't mince words: Trump's comments were 'racist'。SEE ALSO:CNN's Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper don't mince words: Trump's comments were 'racist' 。 In the original。Washington Post。
report, "shithole" appears in all its unsightliness throughout the article and in its headline. 。
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White House correspondent Jim Acosta was more hesitant, preferring to use "S-hole" but ultimately used the word as quoted. Wolf Blitzer opted for "bleephole." 。
Regardless, the word appeared uncensored as superimposed text on screen.。
Regardless, the word appeared uncensored as superimposed text on screen.。 Tweet may have been deleted。On。
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Rachel Maddow only used the word once to convey the story, but faced some criticism for not using the word as it is. 。
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The。New York Times。 opted for "disparaging words" in its headline on the matter, leaving the word uncensored throughout its article. 。CBS News。 opted for "sh*thole" online, and "blank" in its TV story. 。ABC News。
and 。 FOX News。wrote "s---hole," censoring the word with "expletive" and "blankhole" respectively during broadcast.。
The。 Los Angeles Times。went with "shithole," as did Reuters and the Associated Press.
"It would be futile to mask the word when the language itself, in reference to Haiti and African countries, was so extraordinary," Associated Press vice president for standards, John Daniszewski, told the。
New York Times 。 New York Times。. 。
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Internationally, the BBC called it a "foul-mouthed outburst" in its headline.。
Oh, and if you're wondering what "shithole" is in Norwegian, it's been written as "drittland" in the country's newspapers, or literally "shit country." You learn something everyday.。
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