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2024-09-19 11:48:56 [焦點] 来源:有聲有色網

You can now literally immerse yourself in the scent of your favourite food -- in a bath. 。

A novelty retail chain in Japan is offering Japanese food-themed bath salts that are designed to make you feel and look like you're bathing in your favourite food or drink.。

SEE ALSO:Our eyes reveal when we're about to have an epiphany。

The chain, Village Vanguard, is offering flavours like cheesy pizza, Japanese gyoza potstickers, beer, and even yakiniku grilled meat so you can smell like them after you've come out of a bath.。

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Thanks for signing up!  。 It's also offering flavours like cilantro and edamame soybeans. Yes,cilantro。

Mashable GamesMashable Image.。

We're not sure if you'll smell like soap after bathing in cilantro, but it's worth a shot.Credit: Village Vanguard/Mashable composite。

These flavours are part of a unique range of flavoured bath salts Village Vanguard has offered -- last year, the novelty chain made bath salts that smelled like miso soup, ramen, Japanese beef bowls, and curry rice.。

The bath salts cost 324 yen ($2.91) each, and can be preordered here, before the flavours are released from mid-June.。 The bath salts cost 324 yen ($2.91) each, and can be preordered here, before the flavours are released from mid-June.。(h/t 。

Soranews24 。
) 。
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