Listen, Dumbledore, we know that love is the most powerful magic in the universe, but the screen sorcery of the。 Harry Potter 。 films inspires much the same sentiment. To prepare for Warner Bros.' forthcoming 。Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them。, an adventure taking place in 。 Potter。's magical world in the 1920s, the original films will be re-released in IMAX theaters for one week. 。
SEE ALSO:This amazing 'Fantastic Beasts' trailer will make you weep wizard tears 。Starting on Oct. 13, fans can see all eight movies in IMAX 2-D at participating theaters, including an exclusive sneak peek at。 Fantastic Beasts 。. 。 Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone。 and 。 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets。 will make their IMAX debut, since the early films didn't premiere in that format. 。
Magical adventures converge at IMAX screenings of the original 'Harry Potter' films.Credit: imax。
BONUS: The Harry Potter books vs. the movies 。
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