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2025-03-04 21:18:54 [休閑] 来源:有聲有色網

Every four years the Olympics serves as a reminder that the human body has remarkable capabilities. And gymnastics is one of the most physically challenging, visually stunning sports around.

Since the 2020 Tokyo Olympics kicked off on July 23, we've seen astonishing displays of strength, grace, and agility. We collected photos of 15 of the most mind-blowing gymnastics moments so far to help you relive the highlights.

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1. Japan's Kazuma Kaya creates a perfect V on parallel bars

Mashable ImageLook at that concentration!Credit: Martin bureau / AFP via Getty Images

2. Lu Yufei of Team China gracefully levitates during her floor routine

Mashable ImageYufei Lu and DaBaby?Credit: Amin mohammad / Getty Images

3. Artur Dalaloyan of Team ROC flips in the air on horizontal bar

Mashable ImageSo much potential energy in one image.Credit: Laurence griffiths / Getty Images

4. Asia D'Amato of Team Italy upside down over beam

Mashable ImageCan you do the splits?Credit: Ezra shaw / Getty Images

5. Takeru Kitazono of Team Japan slices through the air

Mashable ImageHe's soaring, flying...Credit: Fred lee / Getty Images

6. USA's Sunisa Lee lunges into the air during her floor routine

Mashable ImageNo, she isn't photoshopped.Credit: Jamie squire / Getty Images

7. Samuel Mikulak of Team USA takes the cannon ball to the next level during his floor exercise

Mashable ImageIf only there was a pool beneath him.Credit: patrick smith / Getty Images

8. Jennifer Gadirova of Team Great Britain hovers over balance beam

Mashable ImageWow!Credit: Laurence griffiths / Getty Images

9. USA's Brody Malone reaches for horizontal bar

Mashable ImageOh, nbd!Credit: Laurence griffiths / Getty Images

10. USA's Grace McCallum flies between uneven bars

Mashable ImageBirds are jealous.Credit: Laurence Griffiths / Getty Images

11. Japan's Takeru Kitazono spins through the air during his floor exercise

Mashable ImageWe're getting dizzy just thinking about it.Credit: Fred lee / Getty Images

12. Angelina Melnikova of Team ROC wows on beam

Mashable ImageStressful!Credit: amin mohammad jamali / Getty Images

13. Takeru Kitazono of Japan is all angles on the pommel horse

Mashable ImageDoes anyone have a protractor?Credit: Kaz Photography / Getty Images

14. Nina Derwael of Belgium balances on the beam in such a way that she appears headless

Mashable ImageWhere is her head?Credit: Iris van den Broek/BSR Agency / Getty Images

15. Angelina Melnikova of Team ROC soars through the air during her floor exercise

Mashable ImageAbsolutely stunning.Credit: Ezra Shaw / Getty Images



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