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2024-09-17 12:07:55 [探索] 来源:有聲有色網

When we lose something precious, many of us eventually make peace with the fact that we'll never get it back. Not so for a woman from Canada who lost her engagement ring -- only to find it 13 years later. In her garden. On a carrot.  。

SEE ALSO:That older couple from those wonderful engagement photos finally tied the knot 。

84-year-old Mary Grams, from Alberta, Canada, lost her engagement ring back in 2004 when pulling up a big weed in her garden. Grams, who was given the ring in 1951 a year before marrying husband Norman, believed she'd never see the ring again.。

"We looked high and low on our hands and knees," Grams told CBC. "We couldn't find it. I thought for sure either they rototilled it or something happened to it."  。

Grams replaced the ring not long after losing it, and she didn't tell her husband what had happened.。

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"I didn't tell him, even, because I thought for sure he'd give me heck or something," said Grams, who has since moved house. Her son and daughter-in-law now live at the farm where the ring was lost.。

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But, 13 years later, it has finally shown up.。

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Daley asked her husband if he recognised the ring and he recounted the story about his mother losing her engagement ring in the garden.。

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Sadly, Grams' husband passed away five years ago not long after the pair celebrated 60 years of marriage. 。

Thankfully the ring still fits, and Grams plans to wear it. 。
Featured Video For You 。This couple had a tech-themed wedding that was super Instagram-worthy 。


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