Picture this: You're at a party. The music is terrible. You want to jump on aux, but you don't know how to connect your iPhone to the speaker. Sounds like a nightmare, right?
Good thing it's very simple and easy to connect your iPhone to a Bluetooth speaker.
Your iPhone is equipped with the ability to connect to speakers via Bluetooth, which comes in handy anytime you want to play music or anything else on a speaker.
Follow these steps to connect your iPhone to a Bluetooth speaker.
If it is on, the oval next to Bluetooth will be green, and you will see "My Devices" and "Other Devices" below Bluetooth. To turn Bluetooth on, tap the circle in the oval next to Bluetooth.
Circled in red is the button that turns Bluetooth on and off on your iPhone.Credit: screenshot: AppleHold down the button on your speaker that makes it available to pair. This may be different depending on your speaker.
If you follow those simple steps you should be able to connect to any Bluetooth speaker.
If your speaker is not Bluetooth, you canconnect your iPhone to it the old fashioned way...simply by plugging it into the aux cord.
There you go.
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