第69分鍾 ,进球禁区斯洛伐克獲得右側角球,回放角球開到前點,国米被波蘭球員頂到,铁卫什克裏尼亞爾在禁區中路得球 ,扫射斯洛一腳抽射,破门皮球飛入球門左下角,伐克斯洛伐克2-1波蘭。进球禁区
免責聲明:文中圖片 、回放文字引用至網絡 ,国米版權歸原作者所有,铁卫如有問題請聯係刪除!扫射斯洛
破门Tags :(责任编辑:娛樂)
There's a big piece of fake chicken stuck to this phone case
This person shut down a Twitter troll so hard even J.K. Rowling approved
Newsreader trolls tabloids after being dissed for (gasp) wearing the same blouse twice
Retro hipster style meets functional design in this old
New Zealand designer's photo series celebrates the elegance of aging
Trump's internet support squads are infighting after missile strike in Syria
Autonomous electric truck startup looks to change freight transport
Flipkart is buying eBay India as competition from Amazon heats up
Square is leading the mobile payment revolution at Coachella