Ever wanted to make a unicorn cry tears made from its own horn? Well, that's messed up, but you can -- thanks to this candle.。
Simply light the wick of Firebox's new, aptly-named "Crying Unicorn Candle," and soon the creature's horn will start to melt into hot rainbow wax. Then, the wax will drip through the unicorn's head and seep out of its eye sockets. Hell yeah!。。
SEE ALSO:The newest hair trend is the unicorn horn and it's spectacularly strange。It's all very horror Lisa Frank.。
Credit: Firebox。
Love creepy, kitschy stuff / want to scare someone pure of heart? The candle is $24.79 on Firebox and comes with two extra horns.。 Just remember: when the unicorn gets。really 。
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